Friday 16 June 2017


I have not finished my static image but i will be done extremely pleased with the image and how it has been drawn.
This week  I helped oscar with his Algebra question
I have worked really hard on my static image and how it is turning out.
next week my goal is to have my static image finished by the end of monday

I have finished a good amount of books on my pizza wheel

Friday 12 May 2017

Writing test

Writing Test
The forest strange place a oasis in the middle with a curious looking tree all mangled. It looked like it had armoured legs or so the children of the city said the merchants from far said it was a guardian of the village and we were lucky to have one. The armoured giant some called him others the tree that walks because what look like muscular legs but me the armoured giant the tree that walks made up stories myths legends. Everyone knows village protectors are myths in stories of old that the village druid tells by the fire like ghost stories my dad Darius tells me to believe the elders and do as they say but why should they are just a bunch of old grandpas telling stories to scare kids or to leave them in awe. Nothing special about their stories. Callista my cheeky naughty sister who is perfect in my dad’s eyes believes the nonsense the rubbish coming out of their mouths. Me I believe only what can be proved what happens right in front of my eyes not a story which can be exaggerated. Like with hunting my friends always exaggerate how straight their arrows fly it’s always like “Hey cy my arrows never wobble and always hit target” or “Hey cy I shot a boar bigger than you ever could but it got away without a fatal wound” its like the old fisherman's tale.

My dad wants me to grow up like him and become rich and become an elder when I am older but no I want to be a hunter or an archer for the village. My dad complains even though he is glad that I bring meat to the table because he doesn't like spending dramaches on meat because it is really expensive and when i don’t catch anything it no meat on the table. My dad hardly ever spends money on anything so its make what we need from what we find or buy with what money I make from selling extra meat to the butcher or making more arrows and selling them to the hunters. Callista she doesn't do much except giggle with her friends and brush her hair she doesn't even help me get the extra things i need to provide meat. Even though she complains when there is no meat on the table because I ran out of arrows and don't have enough money to buy arrowheads. I know you are wondering why don’t i make them it is because the best type is flint and flint is hard to find and shape without the right tools. Well yeah as you can see my dad is pretty strict and you could easily get annoyed at him. So the forest is where i go it’s my home it’s my heart it’s my soul.

Thursday 9 March 2017

I am poem

I am a Hennessey Venom GT small and courageous,

I am a one story house in a world of skyscrapers,

I am a tree sapling getting filled with knowledge and wisdom.